Recent content by Dan C

  1. D

    Illinois Dental insurer keeps losing claim submissions

    Thanks, @cbg. She tried that, and so far it has not helped. Is this pretty much her only avenue?
  2. D

    Illinois Dental insurer keeps losing claim submissions

    Hello, My wife's employer offers a dental plan administered by MetLife via Education Benefits Cooperative. MetLife keeps losing my wife's submissions faxed and mailed to them multiple times and responds that they "have no record of the claim" in their system despite multiple mailings and faxes...
  3. D

    Forced exercise of options in an IRA

    I hold an IRA self-directed account with one of the largest broker-dealers/investment advisors in the country. Recently, a cash-bought covered put expired in the money in my account. When I looked at my transaction history, it turned out that the put was not exercised but instead forcibly sold...
  4. D

    Can a home insurance company increase premiums midterm?

    Will do as soon as the rollback goes into effect. Was planning to remove any PPI but thanks for the reminder.
  5. D

    Can a home insurance company increase premiums midterm?

    Per the agent, they entered the correct square footage into the system but got a different premium than what was agreed upon at the start of the policy. Based on the new quote, they decided to increase the premium retroactively as of that date. So if the agent made a mistake when the policy was...
  6. D

    Can a home insurance company increase premiums midterm?

    Hello, I refinanced my home last year with a new mortgage company and an appraisal waiver. Recently, my insurance company decided to retroactively increase my premiums because they erroneously thought that the square footage of my house increased by 25%. There have been no improvements to the...
  7. D

    Can wages be "varied by management"?

    The issue wasn't as much that employment at will allows the management to change the terms as putting it in the offer letter in a way that can spook someone inexperienced. By the same token, it could say, "Your start date will be mm/dd/yyyy unless, before that date, we decide to fire you, cancel...
  8. D

    Can wages be "varied by management"?

    Good evening. My son got an internship offer that states “your wages will be $xx.xx unless varied by management”. I was baffled. Is this the newest thing in labor law?