Recent content by Carhodes

  1. C

    Selling a car - what to do if someone puts a deposit and backs out?

    We will put the car up for sale as of tomorrow because we told her she has the end of the month to pay the remaining. Then will return her the money which I agree with you guys is the right thing to do. The crazy thing is she keeps saying give me the car or the money as if she can bully us into...
  2. C

    Selling a car - what to do if someone puts a deposit and backs out?

    That's what I said as well that if she wanted the money back it would after we have sold the car but she is demanded it back now. So to be as rude as she is I said take us to small claims court. We didn't back out of the deal she did. So i'm not going to inconvenience myself by paying you money...
  3. C

    Selling a car - what to do if someone puts a deposit and backs out?

    An oral contract was made between buyer and my husband . The agreed amount of $1,800.00 was set and the fact that she wouldn’t receive the vehicle until August 10th,2018 when the amount was paid in full. Buyer paid a total of $1300.00 in 2 payments, one payment of $1000.00, a second payment of...