Recent content by busymom03

  1. B


    No there is no child support order in my case that's what triggered the threats of him taking her he was angry because I said was going to file for support because I was tired of fighting with him for help with her day care. I know it's selfish but right now the less involved he is the better if...
  2. B


    thank you for the feed back should I wait to see if he mentions custody or visitation? right now he is incarcerated but I know it's going to start all over again when he comes home and as long as continues this life style (selling drugs) I don't want him alone with her do I have the right insist...
  3. B


    I am a single mother of 5yr old girl I was never married to her father and his name is not on her birth certificate my question is do I have full legal custody of her or do I have to file for custody. I afraid of him taking her for a visit and not bringing her back he has made threats to do so...