Recent content by briitneyleann12

  1. B

    My bank allowed someone with no access to my account get $350.00 with no legal ID

    I am only 17 years old but I think that's irrelevant I work and pay taxes just like everyone else. The adult on my account is my Mom and she has in no way touched my account or helped in any way to assist in this. The person that stole money from my account was my sister, she's got 2 years and...
  2. B

    My bank allowed someone with no access to my account get $350.00 with no legal ID

    I've had a bank account for savings since I was about 8 years old. I've had a job for about 5 months now and I had about $900 dollars in my savings account. I use First Community Federal Credit Union. Yesterday I went into my bank because I knew there was something wrong with my statement since...