Recent content by anonomyssy

  1. anonomyssy

    How to get dismantled car from irresponsible ex?

    Since the car is titled in her name, one possible solution might be to get a duplicate key from a dealer and hire a private investigator to locate the car. You didn't read the question, the car is dismantled and she doesn't know exactly where it is, so picking it up, out of a garage on private...
  2. anonomyssy

    How to get dismantled car from irresponsible ex?

    assume this question was intended to be facetious, but there's no "we" in this, and I assume you'd concede that your daughter was even more "stupid" for financing a vehicle she couldn't afford for a boyfriend. Considering my daughter was 20 years old with a part time job, unmarried, and the...
  3. anonomyssy

    How to get dismantled car from irresponsible ex?

    My daughter, deeply in love in the moment, purchased a $40k+ vehicle on loan for her live in man/child. He decided it wasn't good enough, so modified it and it does (did) not run. He left with another, yet this $700+ car payment remains. She does not know exactly where the car is, if its...