Recent content by anita321

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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft please help. caught shoplifting

    When I went to court,, i was really scared. But All that i had to do was pay a fine. I will never, ever, shoplift again. When the cops took me to jail, i was so mortified. All i kept thinking of, was my Daughter. I will always have a record, but i can say that this is something that I have...
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft please help. caught shoplifting

    Thanks. Im still scared. I know what i did was wrong. and i will not ever do this again. Im going to have to get a public defender. Hopefully i wont get arrested again. thanks again.
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft please help. caught shoplifting

    Im in New Mexico. I was booked and had to bail out of jail. No my record is clean or it was until now. Do you mean a identification card? Yes i gave them my drivers liscense. And the police officer said that i had nothing on my record. But still arrested me and took me in.
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft please help. caught shoplifting

    I am 25 and I was caught shoplifting 80 dollars worth in a store.I was arrested and taken to jail. Im scared because i dont know what to do. I am a stay at home mom and I am very angry with myself. I Knew better. And here i sit wondering if im going to have to go to jail. Well i was wondering...