Recent content by and0r

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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Felony Robbery!

    "my friend" is in jail right now at wayside. im just trying to get some legal facts and see what his options are, as his attorney is doing absolutely nothing. he has no money for bail or an attorney. he really is in jail. anyways, i guess he's at the mercy of the court.
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Felony Robbery!

    the fact that he tried to evade capture from a police officer makes it a felony? or just evading anything makes it a felony? please be specific. also, i was not implying the camera footage was something beneficial. anyway, im only looking for quality advice, without the "free" consultation...
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Felony Robbery!

    yes, but what makes felony robbery? is it because he tried to run? shouldn't it be a misdemeanor theft? the shoes cost 60$
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    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Felony Robbery!

    hi, my friend got charged with felony robbery. he was at a sporting goods store and tried to walk out with a stolen pair of shoes he was wearing on his feet. at the exit he was approached by a police officer in plain clothes who asked my friend to take a step back by the register, instead my...