Recent content by adjusterjack

  1. adjusterjack

    Want to stop sale

    Sorry to have to say this, but that was an incredibly stupid thing to do. Now you know why. Maybe yes, maybe no. Need the following questions answered. Purchase price? Date the contract was signed? Interest rate if any? Monthly payment? Do you have the truck back? Answer all those questions...
  2. adjusterjack

    selling home without spouse

    Yes, divorce. And a court order for the sale of the house. Otherwise there is no remedy. She's on the deed. You can't sell it without her consent. Good luck with that.
  3. adjusterjack

    Biden drops out of the race.

    That's one way of reversing climate change. Those of us in Phoenix would certainly appreciate cooler summer temperatures. It's 109 now.
  4. adjusterjack

    Quiet Enjoyment Unreasonable Landlord Guest Policy?

    You might save yourself a trip by using Google Scholar. Here's the page for MA.,22 You put in a topic and the related cases come up. Or put in a case name if you already know it. Once you have case names that you rely on, I can look them up...
  5. adjusterjack

    Quiet Enjoyment Unreasonable Landlord Guest Policy?

    She has an absolute right to know who is entering her home. And since she isn't denying you your guests, you have no legal recourse against the requirement. I review of the MA landlord tenant statutes reveals no prohibition of that requirement. Now, if you want an opinion to the contrary...
  6. adjusterjack

    Biden drops out of the race.

    Anybody who believes that Biden advocated assassinating Trump is too irrational to even talk to. No, it was the incompetent Secret Service and other law enforcement that gave a crazy maniac the opportunity. The same can be said about your party. It's all hyperbole.
  7. adjusterjack

    Negligence, Other Injury Breaking of policy led to me getting allergic reaction

    A quick internet search reveals that exposure to airborne gluten can result in an allergic reaction to persons with Celiac Disease. Headaches are on the list of reactions. The burden would be on you to prove (with evidence not speculation) that: 1 - The sandwich contained gluten. 2 - The...
  8. adjusterjack

    Biden drops out of the race.

    You are really reaching now. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary (in addition to religious connotations) Pray - a transitive verb meaning entreat, implore, request. Prayer - a noun meaning an earnest request or wish. In litigation "prayer for relief" is asking the court to render a...
  9. adjusterjack

    Employer Refusing to Fill Wage Verification Form

    I suggest you send the form with a polite cover note to the CEO of your corporation.
  10. adjusterjack

    Lease Agreement Language

    I doubt that the LL will remove any terms. Don't take the place if you don't like the terms.
  11. adjusterjack

    Biden drops out of the race.

    I deleted a few posts that appeared to be subtle insults from member to member. Play nice if you want to continue this thread.
  12. adjusterjack

    Employer Refusing to Fill Wage Verification Form

    I would. Ask your adjuster what alternative documentation is acceptable.
  13. adjusterjack

    Employer behavior

    That is the exact question that you should be asking the attorney. And, really, really, really, it depends on the contract you signed that you don't have a copy of so even an attorney answering the question may be problematic.
  14. adjusterjack

    Tenant seeking possessions years after eviction.

    Army Judge makes a good point.