Recent content by 2own1sbus

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    Consumer Law, Warranties Trying to force me out of business

    I'll be searching for a lawyer, thank you for your help.
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    Consumer Law, Warranties Trying to force me out of business

    When i first talked about purchasing the bar i told him i tried a few other things and they did not pan out, i couldn't afford to fail. In his words he told me he would make sure i did not fail. It's not written but he did say it. We had to get a lawyer to get incorporated and i'm sure he saw...
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    Consumer Law, Warranties Trying to force me out of business

    I still owe him a lot of money for what i purchased, with ten years to pay it off. If we do not finish paying it off by failing it will go to nobody but him.
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    Consumer Law, Warranties Trying to force me out of business

    In the beginning i new nothing of the business and he told me he would help me make, in fact garunteed i would make a thousand off the machines alone. I think he is very unfair competition,when he sold to me he said he was dieing so he wanted to sell his 3 bars and retire, he definitly wanted...
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    Consumer Law, Warranties Trying to force me out of business

    Bought a business, from someone that is trying to force me out or make things hard, If I don’t make it in this business he gets it back, plus the money I have invested is lost to him, He sold his other bar across town, moved in two doors down and opened another bar. He is my closest competitor...