Recent content by zddoodah

  1. zddoodah

    Tennant stopped paying rent, refuses to leave and is using the house as a tool to threaten my family

    Yeah...if your post needs to be that long, then your situation is way too complex for an internet message board. Consult with a local attorney.
  2. zddoodah

    Are there are any legitimate reasons a court might grant a motion to vacate a judgment if the Defendant DID appear at the small claims hearing?

    That depends on who's making the motion. California Code of Civil Procedure section 116.720 allows "[a] plaintiff who did not appear at the hearing in the small claims court [to] file [and the court to grant on a showing of good cause] a motion to vacate" a small claims judgment. Sections...
  3. zddoodah

    Seeking Legal Advice on Recording Calls

    In the U.S., laws vary from state to state. A couple of quick and cursory google searches suggest the consent of only one party is required in Canada, while the consent of all parties is required in the Philippines. You'll need to consult with attorneys in every jurisdiction in which your...
  4. zddoodah

    Brand pictures for Affiliate marketing

    Under U.S. law, you can use a photo of any item you own for the purpose of marketing. If you use a photo someone else took and don't have a license, then you will potentially have issues with copyright law.
  5. zddoodah

    False charges

    Were you with him when this happened, or are you just telling us what he told you? The last part of your post suggests that you do not have this ability, but it's impossible to be certain, and you are certainly free to try. You're not going to get any sort of detailed step-by-step how-to...
  6. zddoodah

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Police say this is an exchange of goods

    You didn't ask a question, so I'm unsure what the point of your post is. That said, it's quite unfathomable that you would stop at that location and beyond comprehension that you would give this person over $1,000 (WTF carries that kind of cash)! You weren't "swindled" or the victim of any...
  7. zddoodah

    Can we FaceTime my sister? (Missouri/Arizona)

    Of course you have rights. You do not, however, have any rights regarding your minor half-sister until a court says otherwise. I've been posting on legal message boards for two and a half decades, and this is probably the most irksome comment that anyone makes. Of course we don't have the...
  8. zddoodah

    Parental Alienation

    Giving us only one example (which isn't all that bad) and then saying "many things like this have happened" really isn't helpful. That's not to say that I think you should give us dozens of examples, but this illustrates the limitations of internet message boards for some situations. The...
  9. zddoodah

    US Federal Law Does HIPAA 6 year retention apply to email?

    The rule you linked requires retention of four things: (i) Policies and procedures. (ii) A communication if it "is required by this subpart to be in writing." (iii) Documentation of "an action, activity, or designation [that is] required by this subpart to be documented." (iv) Documentation...
  10. zddoodah

    Recovery of SMS messages

    For future reference, if you're going to handle HR matters by text message, you ought to preserve the messages in real time. As for the present situation, the best you can hope for is to ask for a continuance.
  11. zddoodah

    Recovery of SMS messages

    I agree with all of this, but it's too late if the hearing is next week. To the OP: How long have you known about this hearing?
  12. zddoodah

    Auto accident, need advice

    With no insurance in play, you're looking at potential liability for the damage to the other vehicle (up to its fair market value if that exceeds the cost of repairs), the other driver's past and future medical bills and past and future lost earnings (plus "pain and suffering"). Obviously, you...
  13. zddoodah

    Auto accident, need advice

    Did the owner of the vehicle have insurance? Was the other vehicle a car or a motorcycle? An cameras around?
  14. zddoodah

    Wrong criminal file system

    When you ask others for assistance, being an ass in response to legitimate questions is not going to be productive. Have a good day.
  15. zddoodah

    So many broken rules I can't decide how to proceed

    Did you call animal control before doing this? They "framed" you? What does that mean? I assume that what the cops actually did was arrest you on these charges. "Framed" implies that they manufactured evidence. I'm assuming that you were charged with violating either section 13A-11-14 or...