Dual citizenship and American mothers legal rights to child of German


New Member
My daughter is an American citizen who is legally working in Germany. She is pregnant and the father is a German citizens. What are the legal ramifications concerning travel and custody rights for my daughter
My daughter is an American citizen who is legally working in Germany. She is pregnant and the father is a German citizens. What are the legal ramifications concerning travel and custody rights for my daughter

I suggest she consult with the nearest US Consulate or the US Embassy in Berlin.
The child will likely hold dual citizenship.

But, Germany changed its custody law in 2013 to be more equitable for fathers. It used to be awarded to mothers. The law has changed drastically. She'll require a German attorney to see her through the ordeal.



It might also be difficult (unless she's residing on a military base) to get the child out of Germany quickly and easily.
If the relationship has broken down, she should also consult in Germany a lawyer : der Anwalt; or
the lawyer : der Rechtsanwalt.
A Child Born Abroad Document (CRBA - consular report of birth abroad) will be required, and the US Embassy can assist her with obtaining that very important document, as well another US required documents.
You might also consult the US Department of State:

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