Hello, I am on admin leave!!! Will you help, please?

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New Member
Yesterday I was put on administrative leave and the company is bulling me to write a statement.
Do I have a right not to write a statement. I told 2 people from the company what I need to say.
They did not say if it was paid or not?
thank you
You are constitutionally protected from commenting, speaking, or writing statements, giving a confession, or simply admitting to anything. You must now be patient and wait. Nothing you say will be believed unless you say what they demand, I CONFESS, I'M GUILTY, I DID IT, I WAS WRONG. Don't be more stupid, just be calm and quiet.

You have the right not to incriminate yourself, or say anything, except I'm going to exercise my right to remain silent. Then no matter what is said or done by anyone you simply smile and say, sorry no comment. Yes, some will bully and threaten, they might even terminate you, but by saying nothing you don't make things worse.

In many cases, unless a person confesses, nothing extreme will happen. If it does happen anyway, at least you didn't snitch on yourself. So, stay strong, stay calm, and remain silent. What's done is one, and words you say won't be used to make it worse.
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What kind of statement do they want you to make?

The law does not require that you make a statement to your employer. However, the law does not prohibit your employer from firing you over your refusal, either.
Agree that you do not have to write a statement but you can be fired if you don't. "Generally" you do not have to be paid if put on administrative leave in case you are not going to be paid. You said you didn't know if paid or unpaid.
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