When should a Deed of Trust to Secure Assumption be nullified?...

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QUITE RIGOUROSLY AND WITH MOTIVE OTHER THAN RESENTMENT I shall do my best to characterize the man that is now my fiance's ex husband. Yet with truly earnest intent and enough factual drama to make my mother in law miss her programs, I will illustrate a picture as true to the situation as possible while demonizing (I'm sure) the man who has shown me the true evil and hatred existing in many more men then I had ever imagined. 2 years ago my new fiance was newly divorced in January of 2012. never had I intendended or thought of myself as one to intrude upon someone's relationship of FIFTEEN YEARS. Yet, I felt no shame any guilt or remorse when her ex cowardly scurried from his former residence. He left (by no choice of his own) carrying a *served set of papers and a gaggle of other documents of fraud and financial secrets that, precievably, were the most valued items in his home. Was an app example of a sociopath with ill intentions and Smiley Glad Hands. I MUST MOVE ON... I will end this short expose with the thought of this mans ability to demonstrate and truly make me understand the burden of hate!
ANYWHO... A story is nothing without proper introduction. To begin, he was a silent unseen mental abuser and by night would physically/ sexually abuse his spouse. The rage excited him while his urge never let him be subdued enough to put his d*** away even while his children sat innocently on his naked aroused lap (pornography on the tube and all).
This fellow has successfully locked in the lowest possible support payments available through our judicial system although he REPORTEDLY grosses over a half of a million dollars. I might add that UNREPORTEDLY these figures triple... at least. It seems important to mention that the financial institutions that harbor his worth were mentioned and left blank in the final decree.
Upon the finalization of the anullment one last order was slid towards his ex wife. This of course was the assumption deed. She did have a special warranty deed. However, that has proven to bare no helpful defense or any true meaning beyond common sense. He and his family/ real estate attorney have successfully filed for closure and reaped many financial benefits over the course of this post divorce process.
We now face our third foreclosure preceding next month and reasonably deemed fees that seem to gain monetarily manipulated work orders as each written citation shrinks to the preverbial level and professionalism of my daughter texting that she will be dropping out of school to marry a cocaine cowboy through proxy.
What leave me puzzled is that the original deed of trust which has been assumed by the second deed now been diminished... or so it seems. We refinanced the home through a hard loan, an individual bought the first deed. Would this Ranger there lean insufficient and bogus?
Another concerning thought when putting the pieces together is; my fiance had never once gone beyond the grace period nor had she ever then considered to be in default on the note. This was verified the lender. Yet without her consent or her necessity for "advanced funds", this little man would pay the dues on the months bill at his discretion, and demand repayment. Obviously this was an attempt to continue the role that he knows so well ( miss guiding leader to the small helpless and elderly). Without the original deed of trust would the deed of trust to secure assumption be of any significance in matter?
There are so many more topics That cloud daily yet this one is sensitive time and Seems to be a crock of s***.
Please if anyone is still reading this, Could you lend hand the ear to loan.

This is an extremely hairy case with many financial gains to be had if an attorney is willing to take this case we all could come out on top both financially and morally.
I suugest you contact an attorney in your county to discuss your concerns.

We don't have attorneys that troll the forum.

Good luck.
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