Recent content by zddoodah

  1. zddoodah

    Recovery of SMS messages

    For future reference, if you're going to handle HR matters by text message, you ought to preserve the messages in real time. As for the present situation, the best you can hope for is to ask for a continuance.
  2. zddoodah

    Recovery of SMS messages

    I agree with all of this, but it's too late if the hearing is next week. To the OP: How long have you known about this hearing?
  3. zddoodah

    Auto accident, need advice

    With no insurance in play, you're looking at potential liability for the damage to the other vehicle (up to its fair market value if that exceeds the cost of repairs), the other driver's past and future medical bills and past and future lost earnings (plus "pain and suffering"). Obviously, you...
  4. zddoodah

    Auto accident, need advice

    Did the owner of the vehicle have insurance? Was the other vehicle a car or a motorcycle? An cameras around?
  5. zddoodah

    Wrong criminal file system

    When you ask others for assistance, being an ass in response to legitimate questions is not going to be productive. Have a good day.
  6. zddoodah

    So many broken rules I can't decide how to proceed

    Did you call animal control before doing this? They "framed" you? What does that mean? I assume that what the cops actually did was arrest you on these charges. "Framed" implies that they manufactured evidence. I'm assuming that you were charged with violating either section 13A-11-14 or...
  7. zddoodah

    Wrong criminal file system

    Can you please explain what this means (particularly the last six words)? Why would you have your own "court file system"? I guess that goes without saying. How did this happen, and how is it affecting you? Depends on exactly what happened. Without a more clear set of facts, the only...
  8. zddoodah

    GA police withholding evidence

    Is this a question or a statement? If the latter, why did they ask you? I have no idea. Your story is incomplete and a bit confusing. However, since you've been charged with a crime, you should pose this question to your defense attorney.
  9. zddoodah

    Quitclaim Deed with Active Mortgage

    Unless the divorce decree obligates you to sign the quitclaim deed immediately, it would be foolish to do so except in connection with her refinancing of the mortgage. Confer with your divorce attorney about this.
  10. zddoodah

    Stone pebble in Take Out Food

    I obviously don't know the details of your dental insurance coverage, but there's no reason to think this wouldn't be covered, although you may have a co-pay and/or deductible. You should contact the restaurant and inform it what happened. You would have a claim for any uncovered...
  11. zddoodah

    Change of orders

    In any future posts, please use something that resembles proper capitalization and punctuation. Doing so will make it easier for others to read and understand what you write. Your grandchildren...meaning...their own children? Or are these grandchildren of yours the children of some other...
  12. zddoodah

    Change of orders

    In the abstract world of all that is hypothetical, virtually anything is possible. That said, obviously, once a court has issued an order, the only way to change the order is for the court to issue a new order (or some sort of errata notice if the change is simply the correction of a typo), in...
  13. zddoodah

    Out of state parking tickets

    The CA DMV has no involvement in local parking ticket matters. Huh? Parking tickets don't go on your driving record, and, even if they did, rental car companies don't check their customers' driving records.
  14. zddoodah

    Real estate transfer in Wisconsin (Milwaukee County)

    Why? The original deed? You mean the deed by which your friend acquired title? Has she sought to obtain a copy of that deed from the county clerk/recorder? Why is your confusion about this relevant to your friend's situation? Your friend should retain the services of a local attorney to...
  15. zddoodah

    The need for dads 30-year old probate records.

    No one here will know anything about the record keeping practices of this court. You'll have to inquire with the clerk. I don't entirely understand what you think you're going to accomplish. Your brother left you whatever he left you (if anything), and that's no problem. However, you told us...