Recent content by Red Kayak

  1. Red Kayak

    Need some advice

    Get help for your addiction. You have a problem, and you need to address it. By the time you got a 4th DUI (and how many times did you drive and not get caught), it is apparent that you have a problem. Stop associating with people who claim that everyone gets DUIs. (Most of the people I know...
  2. Red Kayak

    Can't decide what to do (speeding in KS)

    You could ask your insurance provider, or use an online calculator to get an estimate. If it were my child, I would discuss having them pay the difference, and suggest that they research the other options. (Granted, I didn't even help my kid get a learner's permit, they had to figure out how...
  3. Red Kayak

    Can't decide what to do (speeding in KS)

    In doing a cost benefit analysis, the daughter should include the rate increase for the insurance, not just the fine itself.
  4. Red Kayak

    Favoritism- enough to file EEOC?

    @checko12 : "Not you with the petty remark after someone calls you out on your shit. Just giving you the same energy, sir or madam. Have a horrible day." You're kind of proving Zig's point. You started with all sorts of vague stuff, and then in post #14-#15 claim you have very specific...
  5. Red Kayak

    Favoritism- enough to file EEOC?

    Feeling isn't fact. It could be a coincidence. Maybe it's neither your age nor race; maybe she just doesn't like you. What you describe isn't an EEOC issue; I concur with hrforme. My advice is to try and be pleasant as possible, while you document, document, document the "clear...
  6. Red Kayak

    Change of orders

    Maybe. It is unclear, based on the title of this thread, whether your son is the legal father. What do you mean by "non-biological partner"? If your son is not the legal father, then custody is irrelevant as far as he is concerned. If a judge deems that a change of custody orders is in the...
  7. Red Kayak

    drug dealing sperm donor dad out of spite spent $25,000 on a lawyer to steal full custody of JAO

    True. I'm thinking more along the lines of recreational use, rather than legitimate use. OP is alleging that Dad is a drug dealer with a rap sheet, and OP is complaining that 3 nail drug tests for Mom are an unreasonable demand, without stating why. So I'm inclined to think that Mom and Dad...
  8. Red Kayak

    drug dealing sperm donor dad out of spite spent $25,000 on a lawyer to steal full custody of JAO

    Chill. My legal advice is to chill. Mom chose the Dad, so on some level she at some point thought having sex with him wasn't a horrible idea. After all, it wasn't rape. So, stop dissing the father of your grandchild. Since he currently has custody, he's not just a sperm donor. The way...
  9. Red Kayak

    Computer Crimes, Hacking Spilling personal info about an anonymous Twitter account

    Highly likely. Like what's been posted in this forum isn't bad enough.
  10. Red Kayak

    Should I seek professional help outside of my state?

    This is only possible if the lawyer is pretty sure that they'll be paid. Note 1: You need a lawyer who is licensed to practice law in your state. Note 2: Look up what is meant be "Attorney/Client Privilege"...
  11. Red Kayak

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Exactly. All it takes is one sticking point. I had 2. So it went to trial. And my ex represented himself. It did not go well for him. And my ex is smarter than OP. So, if something is a sticking point, make sure that 1) you're on the right side of that sticking point, and 2) it's worth...
  12. Red Kayak

    Illegal interview question(s)?

    What if the judge ordered you to reimburse the company for court costs due to a frivolous lawsuit? It is NOT enough to claim that you were asked an inappropriate question. Do you even have proof beyond your own testimony? Can we safely assume that you were not hired? How can you be sure that...
  13. Red Kayak

    Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Old Misdemeanor Charge with Bench Warrant

    And you would be wrong. In many states indecent exposure can be considered a "registrable offense", even if children aren't involved. (Try googling "Do I Have To Register As a Sex Offender for Indecent Exposure?") The fact is that over 20 years ago you were court ordered to do something and...
  14. Red Kayak

    Do you need to give your City all the arguments you have against them before suing them?

    Dad can choose to sue whoever he feels like suing. Whether he can successfully sue somebody is another story. Different people have different definitions for success. On what basis would Dad sue his adult child's friend(s)? Dad didn't give the friends money, or have some agreement...
  15. Red Kayak

    Do you need to give your City all the arguments you have against them before suing them?

    Yeah, well, it's HIS business as a legal adult what HE does. You don't have standing to sue B or anyone else in this matter. If your parents had some sort of agreement (contract) with your sibling concerning tuition payments, they *might* have grounds to sue for the return of some of that...