Recent content by Doug Johnson

  1. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Greetings forum members - and thank you for giving me information. Knowing or having perspective through knowledge is helpful to me. Now, over 3 weeks since I read the last post, I had a phone conversation with my attorney (It seems possible with the "paperless" office he runs that this whole...
  2. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Ya. . . . I really don't like that idea unless I'm desperate but hopefully it won't come to that.
  3. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    I've used the spousal support schedule for Arizona and the spousal support came back 0. In Arizona VA Disability payments are not includable in the spousal support calcs. So basically, it my ss 2300 vs her ss 1800 where hers is admittedly less but can she demonstrate a need for spousal support...
  4. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    I don't think she knows about collecting SS as part of my spousal ss benefits as you suggest unless her lawyer mentioned it to her. I'd love to talk over with her her options, but an ongoing block to communication with her is that once she gets an idea, she sticks with it even though its really...
  5. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Thanks. I could easily afford the flat fee you mentioned. Thank you!
  6. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    I had no idea . . . flat fee attorney. Thanks very much.
  7. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Thanks for the information. I'm 76 yo and I don't really think I have enough energy to do that by myself. So thanks.
  8. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    Oh . . . okay, so it's not just . . . oh boy. Thanks for all the information. I'm gonna have to do more reading. You have been so helpful. Thanks:) So especially, when I get my part of the 401k, just roll it over!
  9. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    She contributed from 1974 to 2010 while we were married 2001 to 2010 so I think I get one half or there abouts of the contribution while we were married which I estimate is around 30,000. I looked up QDRO and I still don't know what it is. If you could explain briefly how it might apply here I'd...
  10. D

    What's representing myself about in my divorce

    In a nutshell, I'm going to slowly run out of money for lawyers. I'm happy so far with their work but man is it expensive. The case: selling house will net about 135,000 each. I'm asking for around 30000 from my contributions to her 401k. We already split up property, personal, etc. The...
  11. D

    Division of income on divorce.

    You have confirmed what I have researched around the internet. Thanks for the help. Helps a lot.
  12. D

    Division of income on divorce.

    Greetings - Facts: RA my wife gets around $1400/mo ss retirement. She is 72yo. She also has a retirement account with $320,000 in it as of last month. I get $1900/mo ss retirement plus $3600 a month from the Veterans Administration as I am 100% disabled veteran. I've read on the VA page that...