Recent content by cbg

  1. cbg

    Illinois Dental insurer keeps losing claim submissions

    If your wife worked for my employer, I am the one she would talk about this. Has she talked to her HR/Benefit department at all? They often have contacts they cannot share with employees, but who can cut through all the nonsense and get things moving. If she worked for my employer and she...
  2. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    It's okay to take a 401(k) hardship withdrawal to pay medical bills that are not covered by insurance. If that's what you're going to use it for, there's no problem. It's if you were planning to use it for supplemental income, to pay household bills, that it would be at issue.
  3. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    That is NOT an allowable hardship withdrawal reason under Federal law.
  4. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    Once again, this is not illegal discrimination. They are not holding up the process because he is disabled; they are doing exactly the same thing they would do for anyone else. Once the POA is on file, they will speak with you.
  5. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    Then you know that Federal law prohibits hardship withdrawals for any but six specific reasons. The payment of medical bills IS allowed. A supplement to LTD benefits is NOT.
  6. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    Just for additional clarification; As I said, 401(k) plans are VERY heavily regulated by law. Each one has a plan document and that plan document is CARVED IN STONE. The requirements and the processes in that plan document, CANNOT, BY LAW, be varied one iota. If the requirement is that there...
  7. cbg

    Husband has a disability and needs help recall info, sick and needs to withdrawal funds from 401k they wont distribute

    Because 401(k)s are VERY heavily regulated at the Federal level and they could be in serious trouble if they released any funds without the proper signatures and other paperwork on file. This includes any POA's. It's not discrimination because they are holding him to exactly the same rules as...
  8. cbg

    Mr. Simpson, Are You Driving, Asked The Judge?

    I only just discovered it myself but I'll be using it from now on!
  9. cbg

    Mr. Simpson, Are You Driving, Asked The Judge?
  10. cbg

    911 S5 Botnet Dismantled and Its Administrator Arrested in Coordinated International Operation

    I have to use a VPN on my work computer, since it's the only way to access the home systems remotely and they want us working remotely these days. But it's an in-house VPN and our systems are SCOURED by IT regularly. I will not access a VPN on my personal computer. Not even one from a company I...
  11. cbg

    Hypothetically, are all rights reserved in isolationist countries, and how is it enforced?

    Since the responders here do not like hypotheticals, suppose you provide actual facts of an actual situation in which you are involved. If you cannot do that, please take your suppositions elsewhere.
  12. cbg

    Recovery of SMS messages

    @commentator - any advice?
  13. cbg

    Should I write up or fire my employee again for harassment?

    Which is why I told him he was painting a target on his own back. But what do I know, I've only been in HR for 45 years.
  14. cbg

    Should I write up or fire my employee again for harassment?

    On your own head be it. If your employer or your HR department takes exception to your actions, there isn't any law that's going to save your job. By insisting on doing things your way instead of letting HR handle it, you could be setting the employer up for a lawsuit. If you get fired, just...
  15. cbg

    Should I write up or fire my employee again for harassment?

    A couple of reasons. Keep in mind that I am talking about your taking actions against the advice of HR, not if you have their backing. 1.) Insubordination, plain and simple 2.) By taking disciplinary action without following the same pattern of disciplinary actions that have been taking against...